Parish Documents

Data Protection – General Privacy Notice
WPC Privacy Notice

Items for year ending 31 March 2024

Accounting Statements 2023 2024
Annual Internal Audit 2023 2024
(#1843674767) TAP Employers Liability Certificate 2023 2024
Annual Governance Statement 2023 2024
Income and Expenditure 31st March 2024
Notice-of-Public-Rights 2023 2024

Items for year ending 31 March 2023
Wilmcote PC 2023 EA Report Signed_1362117
Accounting Statement 2022 2023
Accounting Statement amended
Internal Audit report 2022 2023
TAP_Employers_Liability_Certificate 2023
Annual Governance Statement 2022 2023
Income and Expenditure 2022 2023
Notice of Public Rights 2022 2023
Standing-Orders-Wilmcote-Parish-Council – revised December 2021

Items for year ending 31 March 2022
Conclusion of Audit 2021 2022
Accounting Statement 2021 2022
Internal Audit report 2021 2022
TAP Employers Liability Certificate 2021 2022
Annual Governance Statement 2021 2022
Income and Expenditure 31st March 2022629
Standing-Orders-Wilmcote-Parish-Council – revised December 2021

Items for year ending 31 March 2021
Notice of conclusion of audit yr end 31 03 2021
Accounting statement 2020 21
Internal Audit Report 2020 21
Certificate of Employers Liability yr end 2021
Annual Governance Statement 2020 21
Income & Expenditure Account 2020 21
Notice of Public Rights 2020 21
Standing Orders Wilmcote Parish Council – revised June 2021

Items for year ending 31 March 2020
Accounting statements 2019 20
External Auditor report 2019 20
Wilmcote Parish Council – Employers Liability Certificate 2020
Annual Governance statement 2020
Standing Orders Wilmcote Parish Council – revised May 2020

Items for year ending 31 March 2019
Notice of conclusion of audit yr end 31 03 2019
External Auditor Report & Certificate yr end 31 03 2019
Annual Governance Statement
Wilmcote Parish Council – Employers Liability Certificate 2019
Notice of public rights
Standing Orders Wilmcote Parish Council – revised March 2019

Items for year ending 31 March 2018
Wilmcote Parish Council – Employers Liability Certificate 2017
Notice of conclusion of audit
Annual Governance & Accountability Return
External Auditor Report & Certificate
Standing Orders Wilmcote Parish Council – revised July 2018

Items for year ending 31 March 2017
Conclusion of audit notice (2)
Wilmcote Parish Council – Employers Liability Certificate 2016
Standing Orders Wilmcote – revised August 2016

Items for year ending 31 March 2016
Certificate of Employers Liability
Standing Orders Wilmcote – revised March 2016
Declaration of status of published accounts
Local Audit & Accountability Act