Wilmcote Neighbourhood Planning Group
Minutes of Meeting Number 9
Held at the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 1st July 2014
In attendance:
Colin Ray, Jennie Clarke representing the PC
Alan Griffith(Chairman), C Roger Harrison (Treasurer), Lisa Plumb, Emma and Peter Ward, Richard Hoskin, Nick Willson, Jamie Perry, Norman and Diana Lee, Kate Compton, John Singleton
Keith Vinning, Ted Mander, Pam Reynolds
Circulation all above plus, Ken Guy, Jackie Bates, Lisa Cashmore, Yvonne Burt, Steve Howell, Liz Hunt, Deana Fernie, Jennifer Jackson , Hugh Frost, Peter Howard, Stuart Taylor, Peter Goddard, Ken Guy
- 1. Minutes of Last Meeting date 3rd June
- a. The minutes where accepted as a true record of the meeting.
- 2. Matters Arising
- a. (2b) AG had spoken to John Philps and had asked Peter Goddard as support for the sector to speak to Jill and John and report back. Action PG
- b. (4e iii) The meeting discussed the discussion NW had with Severn Trent who advised that capacity was available.
AG recorded that Fiona Blundell had confirmed in a meeting between her, Roger Harrison and himself that SDC had the details if required. No response yet received from Matthew Neal.
Those present discussed the problems being experienced in Station Road. It was reported that the station cottages had flooded with sewage and ST now have to cleanse the system several times a year to avoid blockages. It was also confirmed that houses further up Station Road also have problems. It was noted that the sewage system between the canal and Mary Arden’s House would appear to have major problems. PC agreed to investigate. Action CR
- 3. PC Report
- a. It was reported that the draft SDC plan is now on the web for comment. AG recorded his concern regarding the content and layout that made it very hard for the public to review.
- b. PC will be responding to SDC on behalf of the Parish regarding the draft plan.
- 4. Public Meeting 26th June
- a. It was reported that 82 people attended the open meeting.
- b. Minutes of the meeting taken by LP are on the web site and the hard copy in the Village Shop.
- c. The main issues identified were parking and traffic speeding.
i. Parking was a key issue, areas of concern where, outside the school, church, station and for those people using the canal footpath. It was recorded that this will be covered in the questionnaire.
ii. Speeding was not a planning issue, however 100% of those attending supported addressing the issue in the questionnaire.
- d. During the meeting, attendees marked a map of Wilmcote showing were they would place 3 sites in order of preference. This exercise was note part of the process however it did identify some interesting facts that will help when discussing likely sites to be included in the questionnaire
- 5. Sector Reports
- a. The meeting discussed the results of meetings with key companies/ institutions in the village. These helped identify possible site for housing and the possible phasing to provide the required amenities for the village.
- b. The requirement to complete the sector reports ASAP was discussed. These need to be back to back with the public questionnaire.
The Sector reports are all to be based upon AG’s Index dated 4th June which was circulated to all sector leaders. All present agreed to the layout.
The results will be monitored during the rest of the Planning Process and amended as required.
- 6. Environmental
- a. AG thanked Jamie for taking on the sector. This is a very important sector as an environmental statement will be part of the final plan. It will also be critical in the selection of future housing and amenity sites.
- b. AG reported that me was awaiting a response from Warwickshire Direct who should be providing maps, reports etc for the Parish. JP to follow up.
i. Action JP
- 7. Questionnaire Preparation
- a. AG tabled a draft questionnaire, the contents of which was discussed in outline. It was agreed that CRH, CR, JS and AG would meet after the meeting to review in more detail.
POST NOTE; This was done and AG updated the questionnaire and sent to JJ, CR, and CRH.
- b. The content, wording etc is not going to be finalized until it has been reviewed with the Consultant who is to assess the responses.
Once Questionnaire is checked it will be circulated to sector leaders for comment, this will be within the next 2 weeks.
Action AG
- c. The meeting discussed the potential housing sites marked at the open meeting on 26th. It was agreed to include sites in Pathlow.
- d. The meeting marked potential site circa 20 in total. These will be discussed with the Consultant Planner to be appointed. All sites must meet the National Planning Guide Lines, this is expected to rule out several sites.
- e. It was recorded that LP had received quotes for printing the questionnaire, all very competitive. It was agreed that SDC would be given the chance to match the quote first before proceeding.
- 8. Consultant Selection
- a. Planning Consultant
i. CRH has reviewed several consultants who have undertaken the same service for other Parish’s. The recommendation was to appoint David Holmes from Harbury. This appointment was accepted subject to receiving a reference and agreeing to the terms and conditions.
ii. It was confirmed his daily rate was £500 or part thereof.
- b. Independent Assessor
i. It is recommended that the Group goes with Simon Purfield an independent consultant who like the planner has undertaken the same task for other Parishes. In addition he works for SDC as a consultant on similar matters. This will help ensure the results and format meet SDC requirements.
ii. It was confirmed Simon’s fee rate is £500 per day or part thereof.
- c. Appointments
i. Both the above are to be appointed immediately subject to terms etc.
ii. The Planner and Assessor will be involved with reviewing sites and the final preparation of the questionnaire before the next meeting.
- 9. Treasurers Report
- a. It was confirmed that the grant of £4,250 had been received.
- 10. Communications
- a. Quarterly Flyer to be produced and circulated. Action AG/LP
- b. Village Vine note required. Action LP
- 11. AOB
- a. Nothing to report
- 12. Next Meeting
- a. Tuesday 5th August at 7.30pm, meeting to be chaired by C Roger Harrison